Sundevil Scoop

The Student News Site of McAuliffe International School

Sundevil Scoop

Sundevil Scoop

Summer Plans


Everyone has summer plans from playing video games to traveling across the world. But everyone still has different plans. But some people have no plans for the summer. If you are part of the people who have no plans you might want to see this.

So one of the things that might be fun is meeting up with friends anywhere the more friends the better. If you plan on meeting up with some friends the best places to go are The Stanly market, Eiliches, or your friend’s houses. But if you go to a different state just think of all the things you can only do there and nowhere else and just make it happen. Also anytime you are bored do anything because you’re going to have all the time to be bored in class once summer is over.

I would name three things to do for the summer it would be; learn how to backflip on anything, go to the pool, do anything to get out of the heat, and finish as many video games as possible. But once again what are your plans for the summer and are you going to try anything new for the summer or stick to what you have been doing for the last summer?

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About the Contributor
Fielding Sawyer
Fielding Sawyer, Food writer
I am Fielding Sawyer I'm in 7th grade and I love to ski. In my free time, I ski and like I said I like to ski and I also like eating food in my free time. I'm usually hungry. My favorite thing to write about is food, a fictional narrative, or just a narrative.