Louie’s Purpose

Eila Behl and Parker Holthus

Louie the therapy dog helps kids around campus to feel comforted at McAuliffe International School throughout the year by being cute and changing their mindsets. 

Louie is an Australian shepherd poodle mix. He roams around the school with HGT specialist Becky Middleton. Louie has learned many commands in order to maintain his temper.

Becky Middleton knew from the beginning that Louie was a special dog. He was partially trained as a heeling hound located in San Antonio Texas. He has worked with first responders and nurses to grow. 

Louie’s most important command is “wait”. The reason why is that he needs to know when it is the right time to see his friends/students. The first command he learned was “sit”. His favorite treats to eat are very special chicken-flavored treats. 

Louie is a newbie and only started last summer. He has learned so much from Becky and is so appreciated at McAuliffe International School in Denver, Colorado. He is learning more and more by the day. Becky quotes, “He is learning just like you guys.”