Sundevil Scoop

The Student News Site of McAuliffe International School

Sundevil Scoop

Sundevil Scoop

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday

Students of McAuliffe International school are angry about, “Wellness Wednesday” taking up Wednesday homeroom. Every Wednesday in the place of homeroom, homeroom teachers go through slides that supposedly improve kids mental health through fun activities.

Valle Palcso (A McAuliffe International student in 6th grade) stated, “ I think that Wellness Wednesday is very helpful and the people who think otherwise are the people who need it most.” Many students disagree with this such as Alyssa ( Last name unknown) who stated, “ I think Wellness Wednesdays just make our class more unhappy because people are mad about it, causing it to have the wrong effects on people.”

Both Quotes show logic and there is no exact answer on whether Wellness Wednesday is beneficial or not but Ms. Swift (McAuliffe 6th grade dean) says that Wellness Wednesday is, “ here to stay”. Many students have even tried bribing teachers to let them skip it, but all bribes have failed due to teachers loving their jobs.

In conclusion, Wellness Wednesday may anger some students but many students and teachers such as Valle Palcso and Ms. Swift agree on one thing: It is beneficial.

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About the Contributor
Bronwyn Wolfram
Bronwyn Wolfram, Writer
Hi! I'm Bronwyn Wolfram and I'm in 6th grade. One interesting fact about myself is that I moved to Spain for my 5th grade year. In my free time I like to shop online and play volleyball because they give me a break to get lost in the activity. My favorite thing to write about is funny and interesting articles because they are fun to write and fun to watch people's reactions after reading them.