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Sundevil Scoop

Bullying at School can Affect Students Mental Health

Stop bullying. Word cloud illustration in shape of hand print showing protest.

How can bullying someone at your school affect their mental health? Well, there are many ways bullying can affect students mentally, emotionally, and even physically in school. Bullying is a serious problem that can have devastating effects on a student’s mental health, particularly when it occurs at school. The experience of being bullied can lead to intense feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-worth.

Constant harassment and intimidation can make the student feel isolated and hopeless, causing them to withdraw from social activities and things they once enjoyed. They also may have effects physically such as constant headaches, stomach aches, and trouble sleeping. And in certain situations, bullying can lead to suicidal thoughts or attempts.

These causes as you can see have an impact on their school life and as they are bullied day by day there will be a cause of what happens to that student.

By taking a proactive approach and implementing these measures, schools can create a safe and supportive environment for all students. For example, they are giving support and resources to students who have been bullied or who are at risk of being bullied, and enforcing clear and consistent consequences for bullying behavior.

Now when you think of bullying at school and ways you can prevent it, do you think bullying happens outside of school? Well, it does bullying doesn’t always occur during school it also may occur when the child is on social media which would be online bullying which is cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is when you are bullying someone with the use of digital technologies. Cyberbullying may also have affected the student’s/children’s mental health daily depending on if the situation was approached by you or an adult or not. Still, even if the situation was approached and the person didn’t change their actions you would have to think of ways to avoid the person. Some ways to approach cyberbullying would be reporting or blocking the person, screenshot images or messages to have proof of the things they said or posted about you and another would be telling an adult about the situation can help a lot because if you don’t try to speak to an adult more conflict can happen and there will be more cyberbullying and it won’t stop unless you were to address it.


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About the Contributor
Lai'a Green
Lai'a Green, sports writer
My name is Lai'A Green I am in the 6th grade I am currently in my pink era so my favorite color is pink. I love sports, my favorite sports are basketball and football. One of my favorite things to write about is sports or entertainment because for one entertainment has all the drama and sports because its interesting.

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